
Friends of Franklin (FOF) raises money through special events and individual donations to help enhance the programs and facilities of Franklin Avenue Elementary School.

The 2024 Annual Fund Drive

What is the Annual Fund Drive?

The 2024 Annual Fund Drive, taking place September 9th through September 27th, provides nearly 75% of the funds for Friends of Franklin each year.  These funds go to support all of the great programs that FoF provides:  TAs, art and music programs, science enrichment events, P.E., educational assemblies, technology upgrades, teacher classroom contributions, and so much more. Our ambitious goal this year is to raise $280,000. This money will help offset the cost increases we have seen on some of our programs as well as increase our program offerings.  

If you’re wondering how much to give, here are some data points to help guide you:

  • Friends of Franklin will spend at least $1,200 per student this year. ($441,095 total)

  • Because not all Franklin families are in a position to give, if you are able, we ask that you give at least $1,500 or more per family, to bridge this gap.

If you can’t give the suggested amount this year – please know that any amount that is meaningful to you is deeply appreciated!

Monthly Payments

Did you know we offer monthly installments over the course of the school year? You can spread out your donation over 10 months or give a one-time contribution HERE.


Prefer to pay by check? Please make checks out to Friends of Franklin and mail to the FOF P.O. Box:

Friends of Franklin
1920 Hillhurst Avenue, #438
Los Angeles, CA 90027

It’s up to you how you contribute and we are grateful for your participation!


Employee Matching Programs

Please check with your employer about any “employee matching programs.” Many companies offer them, allowing you to double your donation. Last year, $40,000 of our fundraising came from employee matches—a HUGE impact! Thank you for taking the time to explore if such a program exists with your employer.


We are all Friends of Franklin and we are working together towards the same goal—supporting ALL Franklin students so they can be the best version of themselves!



More Ways to Give

Farm Fresh To You

Sign up for this hassle-free option to have a wide variety of fresh, organic produce delivered to your doorstep. Go to Farm Fresh to You to learn more and subscribe using the code "franklinfox". Franklin receives 10% back of all purchases. Current subscribers can call Farm Fresh to add the franklinfox code to their account so our school can still receive the donation.

Farm Fresh to You 

Mabel’s Labels

Order custom labels for your child's belongings and a portion will go back to Friends of Franklin.

Shop Labels