May 14, 2024

Friends of Franklin

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2024   6:00pm-7:30pm 

Location: Franklin Library

Invited:  Board members, room parents, committee chairs, volunteer committee, all Franklin community members 

In attendance:  Jessica Bodoh Creed, Kellie Forester, Jessica Luebke, Mandy Dunlap, Eileen Payoyo, Wendy Perez, Megan Shuham, Jennifer Wagner, Katie Feige, Jean Trinh, Jessica Freeman

6:00PM–childcare provided, mingle, eat dinner before meeting starts

Called to order at 6:40


  1. Three Cheers- Silent Auction, Franklin Night Out, Teacher Appreciation Week, 

  2. Vote- Approval of April Minutes. 

Megan motioned to approve the April minutes, Mark seconded. Minutes are approved by general consent. 

  1. Budget-  Megan 

    1. Forming a Budget Committee–FOF board members are invited to join, meeting 6/12, 6:30PM

    2. Committee Chairs: suggest an amount for 24-25 SY budget by June 7 for consideration of the budget committee at 6/12 budgeting meeting

  2. Committee Announcements/Check-ins-  Mark 

    1. CARE/Food drive - Megan

    2. STEAM Exploratorium- Wendy

    3. Dine to Donates- Mark

d)        Soccer- Mark/Kellie- Vote by email will follow by end of the week 

e)        Little Library- Kellie

f)       Family Roller Skating Event- Jessica Freeman/Jean

  1. FOF 2024-2025 Board Elections 

  2. Community Questions and Ideas (up to 10 minutes)

  3. Adjournment at 7:30. Megan motioned to adjourn. Mark seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 7:30. 

Votes were counted. The following people have been elected unanimously for the Friends of Franklin Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 school year. 

  1. Jessica Bodoh-Creed

  2. Jennifer Flashman

  3. Kellie Forester

  4. Tony Forester

  5. Jessica Luebke

  6. Mandy McAuliffe Dunlap

  7. Eileen Payoyo

  8. Wendy Perez

  9. Megan Shuham

  10. Jeremy Smith

  11. Laura Somers

  12. Jennifer Wagner

May 17th, Vote by email:

Anthony Forester motioned to increase the soccer tournament expense line item to $11,200. Megan Shuham seconded. Vote by email was taken. Motion passes.

June 10th, Vote by email:

Megan Shuham motioned to elect the following FOF executive board slate for the 2024-2025 school year. Jennifer Flashman seconded. Vote by email was taken. Motion passed

24-25  Executive Board Slate:

Megan Shuham- President 

Laura Somers - VP of Fundraising

Jennifer Wagner- VP of Communications

Jennifer Flashman- Treasurer

Eileen Payoyo - Secretary

July 28th, vote by email:

Megan Shuham motioned to approve the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 calendar year. Jen Flashman seconded. Vote by email was taken. Motion passed, 24-25 budget is approved.

Friends of Franklin